@joey: the latest evictions were the result of a 50 year lawsuit. During the 1960s, Arab settlers occupied the area, Israel kicked them out but the Arab settlers didn’t move out. A law was created where they could stay if they paid rent to the original owners, they haven’t paid rent so the court evicted them after 50 years of lawsuits and the Israeli government backpedaling and slow-walking decision to try and get peace.
These evictions are just a pretext for violence. What really happened is that Mahmoud Abbas, terrorist and religious leader of Gaza and the PLO, who currently is 14 years into a 4 year term, was about to lose the election (which they haven’t had in a decade) to Hamas. Abbas cancelled the elections and blamed some random event and called for protests and the cutting off the heads of Jews in the street, which is when the riots started. Hamas, not about to be outdone by the PLO (says something when your political platforms revolve about who hates the Jews more) started firing rockets to garner political support.
These are just 2 evil organizations, about 200 rockets fell in Gaza, they don’t care. More Muslims and foreigners died from the attacks than Jews, they don’t care. There is no moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas/PLO and to deny they have the right to defend their sovereign nation, is simply anti-semitism. If Mexico or Canada started firing rockets into the US, we’d be occupying Mexico City and Quebec in 5 minutes flat and nobody would blink an eye. But somehow, Israel has no right to do the same?
They won legitimate wars over Jordan and Egypt and gave it all back and then some, if they were truly expansionist occupiers they’d still own land up until the Nile. the Gaza Strip is legitimately Israel’s since its founding, yet they allow a terrorist regime to exist in their own back yard. The stated goal of a Palestine State (an Islam state like ISIS which would be ruled by Iran), if it were to exist, is to eradicate all Jews (its in their founding documents).